Davis Fire Alert: On Tuesday, Sept. 10 the Pennington Health Science Center building at Redfield Campus is closed. If you have been affected by evacuations, contact your supervisor or instructor for resources or support.


Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee

Meeting Dates

Refer to the Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule.

Faculty Senate Travel Deadlines

Deadlines are posted on the Faculty Senate Travel page.


  1. Make recommendations concerning budgetary changes in the event of a financial exigency or other financial issue.
  2. Provide recommendations for the preparation of the college biennium budget including both operating, capital, and enhancement budgets.
  3. Research and make recommendations on issues regarding salary and benefits such as workload equity, health care benefits, retirement, funding for cost of living adjustments (COLAs), salary increases, salary schedules, and maintaining national and regional salary competitiveness.
  4. Recommend policy and procedure for granting Faculty Senate travel funds and process such requests.
  5. Review the Faculty Senate Travel budget and report its current state to the Senate.
  6. Review and make recommendations for changes to the sabbatical application process.
  7. Oversee the Sabbatical Subcommittee
    1. The Faculty Senate Chair will accept nominations for the Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair up to ten days before the May meeting of the Faculty Senate.
    2. At the May meeting of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate will confirm a Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair. If no one is nominated, the Faculty Senate Chair will appoint a Chair.
    3. The Salary, Benefits, and Budget Committee will constitute a diverse Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee with representation from each division. The composition of the Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee is determined by a vote of the Salary, Benefits, and Budget Committee at the first meeting in the Fall.
    4. The Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair will: make announcements about sabbatical leave and create deadlines; call for proposals for sabbatical leave; call and preside over the committee meetings; submit recommended changes to the sabbatical leave application to the Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee for their confirmation; work with the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant to collect sabbatical applications for evaluation.
    5. The Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee will: evaluate submitted proposals based upon established criteria, and forward their recommendations directly to the President of TMCC. All members of the Sabbatical Subcommittee (including the Chair) shall keep the deliberations of their meetings confidential.
  8. Review and make recommendations of other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, of the Faculty Senate Body.


Bradley Summerhill

Committee Membership

Dean Burton, Skyler Cruz, Kevin Dugan, Maggie Eirenschmalz, Brian Fletcher, Meeghan Gray, Kelly Harlin, Andy Hughes, Virginia Irintcheva, Matt Leathen, Jackie McDonald, Staci Miller, Katie Paul, Doug Plourde, Phil Smilanick, Matt van den Berg, Rachel Wooley

Meeting Minutes