Davis Fire Alert: On Tuesday, Sept. 10 the Pennington Health Science Center building at Redfield Campus is closed. If you have been affected by evacuations, contact your supervisor or instructor for resources or support.


Instructor Course Evaluations

TMCC Teacher and Students

TMCC instructor course evaluations are completed online.

Students complete course evaluations by selecting the link from within an email, or by logging into Canvas and selecting the "Course Evaluation" link. Course evaluations are available for students once a course is 80% complete, and remain open until the grade submission deadline. 

During the evaluation period, faculty are limited to viewing course level response rates, and cannot view individual responses. Instructor course evaluations are completely confidential. 

Faculty are encouraged to include the following statement in their syllabus:

"When Instructor Course Evaluations become available, you will receive an invitation to your TMCC email with a link to complete the evaluation. You can also complete the evaluations through your Canvas course. Please be sure you keep your contact information in MyTMCC up-to-date so that we can contact you. Your response is kept confidential. Your responses are used to improve teaching methods and to improve all TMCC course offerings. Please provide honest, concise, and constructive comments."

Responses Review

  • Faculty: Once the evaluation period is over, faculty can use the evaluation link in their Canvas course to view response rates and comments. If an instructor does not have an active Canvas course, instructors can view the evaluation results through the link on their Canvas profile page or contact their department administrative assistant.
  • Staff: Administrative assistants and department chairs can access evaluations by logging into EvaluationKIT.

Canvas Course Training

If instructors would like to use Canvas as an assist to a face-to-face course, training will need to be completed. Register for training through the TMCC Professional Development Office.