A How-To Guide for TMCC Web Publishers
The following pages offer standards, guidelines and best practices for producing high-quality content for TMCC’s website.
All TMCC CMS Web Content Contributors are required to learn and use the college's style guide and recommendations found in these pages for writing content.
If you have any questions or need clarifications about any of this material, please contact us.
How Writing for the Web is Different
People read differently on the Web. For years, usability researchers have found that web users rarely read entire pages, word for word.
Web users:
- Scan pages
- Pick out key words and phrases
- Read in quick, short bursts
- Are action-oriented
- Click and forage in search of bits of information that lead them towards a goal
There is evidence, in fact, that shows that reading on a screen is physiologically more difficult than reading on paper. Reading long paragraphs on a screen hurts the eyes, is laborious and time consuming in a medium known for speed.
Users will read longer pages if the content provides detail related to the user’s specific goal. However, even though users will read more when the information provides extended information on their topic of interest, good web writing practices should still be employed.
Some Examples of What Not To Do
- Do not welcome people to your website and explain what a website is.
How many times have you seen this? "I would like to personally welcome you to our department’s web page. We have put together a great collection of information and links to help you learn more about us. I invite you to look around and click the links to the left." A website is a collection of information, no need to tell your readers that.