TMCC is a great place to get started on academic or university transfer degrees, occupational training, career skill enhancement, and classes just for fun.
Offering professional success and personal enrichment courses that serve everyone in our community, from children and teens to adults and esteemed elders.
Describe the functions of body systems appropriate to the nursing assistant's scope of practice.
Describe nursing assistants' roles and responsibilities, including ethics, communication, legal obligations, abuse laws, and Nevada State Board of Nursing regulations.
Demonstrate professional communication skills, including recording, reporting, and legal and ethical responsibilities.
Demonstrate safety and infection control practices that comply with standards of practice for nursing assistants.
Identify stages of growth and development.
Define common medical terms and abbreviations used in health care.
Demonstrate competence and proficiency in the following categories of skills:
Communication and interpersonal relationships.
Safety and infection control.
Personal care procedures.
Vital signs.
Nutritional requirements and techniques.
Admission, transfer, and discharge procedures.
Exercise and activity.
Unsterile warm and cold applications.
Care to clients with special needs.
End of life care.
Care to clients with cognitive impairment.
Comply with privacy and confidentiality laws.
Demonstrate behaviors consistent with professional work ethics.
Adhere to the policies and procedures of clinical sites.
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of common elements required for certification by the Nevada State Board of Nursing. A passing grade on instructor-developed and administered final examinations will ensure this achievement.
Students will be able to demonstrate compliance with the standards of practice for nursing assistants. A skills competency test at the end of each semester containing core practice elements such as privacy, safety, dignity, and patient rights will assess this competency.
Students will be able to demonstrate competence with all skills required for certification. A skills competency test at the end of each semester containing the elements of all steps needed for all required skills will assess this competency.