SGA Election Information


People throwing fists in the air

Information included on this page is vital to running for a TMCC Student Government Association (SGA) elected office. Please read it carefully as you will be held responsible for information contained within. Remember that as a candidate, you are responsible for the actions of anyone campaigning on your behalf.

Campaigning is defined as: anything written or spoken by a candidate and those specifically designated by the candidate that promotes the election of a candidate to any Student Government Association elected office.

Make sure that all of your campaign staff and volunteers are familiar with the information included on this web page. If you have any questions regarding this information, seek clarification before campaigning begins. During the entire election process, the Student Engagement and Leadership Coordinator will be your source of clarification for questions, issues, etc.

Procedure for Additions to the SGA Ballot

Any supplemental questions added to the SGA ballot must be pre-approved by the SGA Elections Committee at least 30 days prior to the start of elections. Based on the recommendation of TMCC's Webmaster, more than 5 supplemental questions may be converted into a survey that is attached to the ballot.

SGA Elections Meet and Greet

Candidates in the SGA elections are required to attend the Elections Meet and Greet event. Candidates must give a two minute presentation. If candidates are unable to attend due to class conflicts, the Elections Committee chair and/or Student Engagement and Leadership Coordinator must be notified.

2025 Student Employment Deadlines

If elected, SGA officers must provide documents for student employment by Friday, May 16, 2025. For more information please contact us.

2025 Voting Dates, Times and Locations

TMCC students may vote from any computer via SGA's website beginning March 31 through April 11, 2025.