Article I - Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this Association shall be the “International Club of Truckee Meadow Community College,” which is hereinafter called the “I-Club.”
Section 2. The purpose of the I-Club shall be to foster fellowship among international students; to promote understanding between American and international students: to provide a link between international students and the Northern Nevada Community; and to promote international and intercultural awareness through social and education activities.
Article II - Affiliation
Section 1. Affiliation with the International Program Office. The I-Club is recognized by, and acts in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, legislation, and executive actions of the International Program Office of the Truckee Meadow Community College.
Section 2. Affiliation with ethnic students’ organization. The I-Club shall maintain a mutual affiliation with all Student Organization’s of Truckee Meadows Community College.
Section 3. Affiliation with other collegiate international clubs. The I-Club shall initiate and seek out affiliation with other collegiate clubs.
Article III - Membership
Section 1. Eligibility. Any person who has an interest and is willing to contribute to the purpose and intention of the I-Club is eligible for its membership.
Section 2. Honorary Membership. Honorary Membership is open to any person who has demonstrated extraordinary contribution to the I-Club in achieving its objectives. The Honorary Membership must be subject to the approval of the Executive Board of the I-Club by two-thirds of its vote.
Section 3. Membership-at-Large. The President of the I-Club from the previous year automatically becomes one of the Members-at Large of the I-Club. The other seven positions of Members-at-Large are selected by the Executive Board of the I-Club. All Presidents from clubs with affiliation with the I-Club are offered the position to become Members-at-Large.