Davis Fire Alert: On Tuesday, Sept. 10 the Pennington Health Science Center building at Redfield Campus is closed. If you have been affected by evacuations, contact your supervisor or instructor for resources or support.


ADN Handbook Acknowledgement

All TMCC ADN Nursing Program students are required to submit this Handbook Acknowledgement prior to the beginning of each semester. A copy of the Handbook Acknowledgement is retained in your file.

By submitting the Acknowledgement form, you certify that you are responsible for:

  1. Reading the Handbook in its entirety.
  2. Agreeing to comply with all policies.
  3. Reviewing and understanding any changes made to the Handbook during the entire time you are enrolled as a student in the Maxine S. Jacobs Nursing Program.
  4. Recognizing that changes made to policies and procedures may impact you as a student.

Note: All changes of name, address or telephone information during your program dates must be reported to Admissions and Records and the Nursing Program office immediately.

Fill out my online form.