Nov 1
Fall Graduation Applications Due
All Day
Applications for Fall 2021 graduation are due in TMCC's Admissions and Records Office.
Nov 1
Dia de los Muertos Altar Event
All Day
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Participate by putting an image of a deceased loved one and offering to them on our Altar de Muertos.
Nov 1
Nov 1
Dia de los Muertos Videos
All Day
Learn how to create your own traditional altar, prepare Champurrado (traditional hot chocolate drink), pan de muerto (traditional sweet bread) by watching videos by members of the SGA and EISO.
Nov 1
Dia de los Muertos Food Bundle Event
8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
Panaderia Las Palomas
Stop by Panaderia Las Palomas Mexican Bakery Monday, Nov. 1–Thursday, Nov. 4 during store hours to pick up your Food Bundle of traditional Dia de los Muertos foods.
Nov 1
SGA Game Night
- 8 p.m.
FINAL EVENT of the semester! Join other TMCC students for an evening of playing various Jackbox games through your computer or tablet
Nov 2
Dia de los Muertos Altar Event
All Day
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Participate by putting an image of a deceased loved one and offering to them on our Altar de Muertos.
Nov 2
Dia de los Muertos Food Bundle Event
8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
Panaderia Las Palomas
Stop by Panaderia Las Palomas Mexican Bakery Monday, Nov. 1–Thursday, Nov. 4 during store hours to pick up your Food Bundle of traditional Dia de los Muertos foods.
Nov 2
Dia de los Muertos Celebration Event
11 a.m.
- 3 p.m.
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Join us in creating your own traditional paper flowers and decorating sugar skull masks, while enjoying traditional Dia de los Muertos music!
Nov 2
Recognition and Activities Committee
- 3 p.m.
Regular meeting of the Faculty Senate Recognition and Activities Committee.
Nov 3
Dia de los Muertos Altar Event
All Day
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Participate by putting an image of a deceased loved one and offering to them on our Altar de Muertos.
Nov 3
Dia de los Muertos Food Bundle Event
8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
Panaderia Las Palomas
Stop by Panaderia Las Palomas Mexican Bakery Monday, Nov. 1–Thursday, Nov. 4 during store hours to pick up your Food Bundle of traditional Dia de los Muertos foods.
Nov 3
International Coffee Hour: VIETNAM
- 1 p.m.
International Coffee Hour promotes the value of cultural exchange as we recognize and celebrate our diversity through faculty, student and community presentations on travel, cultural heritage and more. We hope you can join us!
Nov 3
Getting Ahead Workshops
- 4 p.m.
RDMT 255,
Dandini Campus
The Getting Ahead Program is a 16-week workshop for students who may not have all of the financial and support resources they need to be successful.
Nov 3
Noche de Información Virtual de TMCC - En Español
- 8 p.m.
Estas sesiones brindarán información necesaria a estudiantes de preparatoria y adultos para que empiecen su camino educacional tomando clases en TMCC!
Nov 4
Dia de los Muertos Altar Event
All Day
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Participate by putting an image of a deceased loved one and offering to them on our Altar de Muertos.
Nov 4
Dia de los Muertos Food Bundle Event
8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
Panaderia Las Palomas
Stop by Panaderia Las Palomas Mexican Bakery Monday, Nov. 1–Thursday, Nov. 4 during store hours to pick up your Food Bundle of traditional Dia de los Muertos foods.
Nov 4
Take 5 With Counseling
11 a.m.
- 1:30 p.m.
TMCC Cafe,
Dandini Campus
This programming effort encourages students to stop to take a few minutes out of their busy days and lives to practice self-care.
Nov 4
SGA "Pasta with the President" Student Forum
- 1 p.m.
RDMT 255/256,
Dandini Campus
TMCC students, join TMCC President Dr. Karin Hilgersom and SGA President Darian Richards for student led conversations. Lunch provided for the first 40 attendees to RSVP - deadline is 1 p.m. on Nov. 2.
Nov 4
TMCC Salvage Equipment Day
- 2:30 p.m.
RDMT Cage,
Dandini Campus
Departments may drop off unwanted, outdated, or broken equipment and items on Salvage Drop-off Day.