Davis Fire Alert: On Tuesday, Sept. 10 the Pennington Health Science Center building at Redfield Campus is closed. If you have been affected by evacuations, contact your supervisor or instructor for resources or support.


B. E. Jacket Drive


Oct. 18, 2021, All Day


Various Locations, Dandini Campus

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With the advent of the cold weather, the need for warm clothing for our cherished students cannot be overemphasized.   

The Business and Entrepreneurship (BE) Club, in conjunction with the Wizard Warehouse, is embarking on a coat drive, dubbed, “The BE Jacket Drive” from Oct. 18 to Dec. 2, 2021.

Here's how you can help:

Please donate new coats/jackets/warm clothing to our donation boxes located in front of the Counseling Center/Wizard's Warehouse, room RDMT 115, and at the Student Center; and at the lounge area (near offices 203) and by Café Verde in front of the Learning Commons (library) in the Sierra Building.

Students will be able to pick up jackets from racks placed by the Learning Commons, the cafeteria, and the Student Center.

If you know a student who might need it, please let him/her know of this resource as well. 

The goal is to collect a minimum of 100 coats with this community drive and create a lasting impact on our cherished student body to assist them through school.