About 60 employers and resource organizations participated in the Fall Veterans Job and Resource Fair at TMCC.
The premier of a new event—the Technical Careers Job Fair—will open at the William N. Pennington Applied Technology Center on April 19, adding up to three total hiring event opportunities for Truckee Meadows Community College students and alumni.
“We’re hoping that this new job fair will allow us to work with a greater variety of employers, in addition to the great companies that already participate in the Spring and Fall Job Fairs on the Dandini Campus,” said Kelley Wong, Career Center Coordinator. “It opens up the chance for a more diverse set of employers to be able to participate, and for the Career Center to be introduced to new employers.”
Another event is the Veterans Job and Resource Fair, which also takes place on the main campus in the V. James Eardley Student Center.
Three TMCC job fairs taking place in Spring Semester include:
- Spring Job Fair, on Tuesday, April 11, Dandini Campus, Student Center
- Technical Careers Job Fair, on Wednesday, April 19, William N. Pennington Applied Technology Center, 475 Edison Way
- Veterans Job and Resource Fair, on Friday, May 5, Dandini Campus, Student Center
“Having three distinct employment and resource events makes it easier for both employers and students or alumni to connect,” she added. “It increases accessibility for students, as well.”
Another new feature increasing accessibility is a sign at each company’s or organization’s table that students can browse. Reading the informational sign will make it easier for them to know which tables they might want to stop at and talk with a representative. The sign includes the following information:
- An overview of the business
- How many positions are currently open
- What type of positions the company is hiring
- Where to apply
If students are on a tight schedule during the hours of a fair, they may take a picture of the sign with their mobile phone and access the information later.
Technical Careers Job Fair
“All employers are welcome at the newest event, but most of the companies registering so far have been technology firms that hire for jobs related to training programs taught at the Applied Technology Center; like production technology, robotics, automotive, and manufacturing,” Wong said. “The State of Nevada has also reserved a table.”
She added that companies hiring for apprenticeship programs and internships will be represented.
Annual Spring Job Fair at Dandini
Large job fairs on the main campus have traditionally taken place in the Spring and Fall Semesters. More than 350 students attended the Fall Job Fair.
“The last two job fairs have had more than 70 employers, and because of the Student Center’s capacity, we had to turn a few away after all possible tables were reserved,” Wong said. “It’s a reflection of the demand for people. The unemployment rate is lower right now in the Reno and Sparks area. Having three fairs will also enable employers to target the students trained for their specific industries.”
She added that another beneficial resource for students is CareerLink. They can register and check the TMCC CareerLink job boards.
“Students are not yet quite as savvy about using the online CareerLink as much as the employers,” Wong said. “We have a lot of jobs posted now, and we’re getting more employer calls all the time for jobs and internship possibilities.”
Veterans Fair
The Veterans Job and Resource Fair is open to all veterans in the region, and their spouses.
“The Spring 2016 event featured 50 employers and resource organizations and the Fall Semester Fair had 60 tables for veterans to check out,” she said. “The employers at this event are veteran-friendly and know the strengths that veterans can bring to their organizations.”
Leading up to the Veterans Job and Resource Fair, there will also be veteran-specific workshops:
- Resume writing for veterans
- Networking skills
- Interview preparation
For more information about employment events or Career Center workshops at TMCC, please email or call Kelley Wong at 775-674-7645.