Mark Maynard, English Instructor, presents a talk at the Getting Published Panel event during Spring Semester.
Mark Maynard’s Book “Grind” Wins Awards
Mark Maynard is an English Instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College and a freelance journalist. He enjoys studying literature and culture of the American West. He holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing (Fiction) from Antioch University in Los Angeles, CA.
“Grind” is unique among short story collections because all of the stories are linked in some way—recurring settings, tenuously linked characters, and other literary devices. The book is published by Torrey House Press, and was the winner of the 2015 Nevada Writers Hall of Fame Silver Pen Award.
The book was then selected as the 2016-2017 Nevada Reads Book by the Nevada State Library.
“As the recipient of the Nevada Reads Book, I have been traveling all over the state of Nevada to do readings and book discussions about ‘Grind,’” he said. “The tour has taken me to over a dozen rural and urban Nevada communities.”
Maynard has also written a work of short fiction entitled "Negative Space." It has been showcased in the Nottingham Review, a British literary journal. He has also been asked to write a chapter for an upcoming book of essays on Clint Eastwood films. This book will be published by the University of New Mexico Press in 2018.
He also presents at TMCC events. On Feb. 23, Maynard was one of the featured authors at the Getting Published Panel presentation. He will also be one of the presenters at the 2017 TMCC Writers Conference on Saturday, April 8.
For more information about Mark Maynard, please visit his author’s page on Amazon.com, or BarnesandNoble.com. For information about English studies at TMCC, please call 775-673-7092.
Chantel Mathson Presents at YOU: Mission Critical, in Houston, Texas
Chantel Mathson teaches marketing, leadership and communication at TMCC, and also has her own business entitled Tea with Chantel training and workshops. She works with women’s groups and youth groups leading retreats and seminars.
Mathson was invited to present as one of 17 speakers at a national conference in association with the Public Speakers Association (PSA). The event, “YOU: Mission Critical” was sponsored by an award-winning speaker and publisher T. Allen Hanes, together with the Authority Syndicate Group and Firewalk events. The topics for the conference were personal and professional growth, finances, media and publishing, social media and public speaking.
“YOU: Mission Critical” took place on Jan. 30 and 31 at the Space Center Houston, the official visitor center of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center NASA, in Texas.
“It was a dream come true to share the stage with such an inspirational and caring group of people who are sincerely trying to make a positive difference in the world,” she said. “This group of leaders who serve, encourage and support others in their quest for greatness are making an impact on people throughout the country and it is a thrilling experience to work alongside them.”
She was honored with an Outstanding Speaker Award, presented by Hanes on Jan. 31.
“I was honored to receive this award and to be counted among this distinguished group,” she added. “Starting the year interacting with the amazing motivational, articulate group of people that T. Allen Hanes gathered together at NASA for YOU: Mission Critical was the best possible ‘launch’ to a successful year.”
For more information about marketing courses at TMCC, please call 775-673-7132 and for Speech Communication, 775-674-7945.
Coming up in the Accomplished Authors Series
- Perla Petry
- Staci Miller
- Viki Kappel Spain
- Joseph G. Gonzalez
- Chandra Healy
- Jill Channing
- Jill Barrett
- Scott Miller
- Hieu Do
For more information about the Accomplished Authors and Presenters series, please contact Marketing and Communications at 775-673-7087.