Calendar of Events

Jan 27

SGA Open House Informational Event

4 - 6 p.m.
Ever wonder what exactly the Student Government Association (SGA) is and what their role is at TMCC? Our Virtual Open House Event is your opportunity to talk with our current SGA members and get answers to your questions. Find out how to run for office, represent TMCC students and get paid for it! SGA officer elections begin in March.

Jan 28

SGA Open House Informational Event

10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ever wonder what exactly the Student Government Association, SGA, is and what their role is at TMCC? Our Virtual Open House Event is your opportunity to talk with our current SGA members and get answers to your questions. Find out how to run for office, represent TMCC students and get paid for it! SGA officer elections begin in March.