The "Accidental" Career Path: My Lifelong International Education


Nov. 17, 2021, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.




So often in our youth we’re asked, “What do you plan to do as a career?” I had many answers to that question at different stages in my life. Surprisingly, it was my slow and steady “international education” through the years that led me to a career path that ended up fitting me like a glove: being an English as a Second Language Professor. Come listen to me talk about my journey around the world on the way to my “accidental” career path. Consider sharing how your own “educational lessons” from across the world inspired your careers and/or brainstorm on how your international experiences may assist your future career path.

Presenter: Angela Adlish

Angela has traveled to countries across North America, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia. She spent many years both studying and living in France, which led to a love of its culture, its people, and its beautifully diverse regions. In 2000, she spent most of the year living in Tokyo and teaching English at the NIC school to Japanese students preparing for their academic studies in Nevada and California. After completing her Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language at UNR in 2001, she has taught classes at UNR’s Intensive English Language Center and TMCC’s College ESL Program, where she also served as Program Coordinator from 2007 to 2017.

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This year’s International Education Week (IEW) will be held from Nov. 15–19, 2021! We hope you can join us throughout the week.