Wizard's Warehouse Super Summer Food Drive
Jul. 1, 2021, All Day
All TMCC Campuses
Help Wizard re-stock the Warehouse!
TMCC and the Food Bank of Northern Nevada need your help for a Super Summer Food Drive from Monday, June 14 to Friday, July 2.
The Food Bank of Northern Nevada supplies Wizard’s Warehouse with food for hungry students as well as nearly 150 agencies in northern Nevada. Let’s help keep the Food Bank stocked with food for those who need it. Hunger is a year-round issue!
Leave non-perishable food items in Food Bank barrels that you’ll see around all TMCC campuses.
For example:
- Peanut butter
- Canned food: tuna, chicken, soup, chili, beans, vegetables, fruit
- Packaged fruit cups (not individuals), fruit juice boxes
- Dried food & boxed meals: pasta, rice, beans
- Granola bars, crackers, popcorn, cookies
Food Bank Barrel Locations:
- Dandini Campus:
- Red Mountain Bldg—1st floor: Welcome Center; 3rd floor: FA/A & R/Cashiers area
- Sierra Bldg—Library entrance
- Child Care Center
- Meadowood South—main entrance lobby
- Applied Tech Center—main entrance lobby
- Health Sciences Center—main entrance lobby
Please contact Cameron Tuttle or Carole Chouinard if you have questions about this event.