Davis Fire Alert: On Tuesday, Sept. 10 the Pennington Health Science Center building at Redfield Campus is closed. If you have been affected by evacuations, contact your supervisor or instructor for resources or support.


SGA and TMCC Gaming Club Game Night


Oct. 20, 2020, 6:30 - 8 p.m.




Join the SGA and TMCC Gaming Club for game nights every Tuesday from 6:30–8 p.m. You will need a laptop/computer/tablet to watch the stream and use your phone to play along. Games like Fibbage, Drawful, and others from the Jackbox Party Packs 1–3 will be played.

Join Zoom Meeting to be let into all the gameplay action!

  • Meeting ID: 925 9435 0162
  • Passcode: 862306

You can also find more information at the SGA Social Media pages: