TMCC NFA Contract

Article 15 Retrenchment 15.1 Financial Exigency Procedural Interpretations In the event a financial exigency is declared by the Board of Regents under the provisions of the NSHE code, affecting faculty members at TMCC, the provisions shall be implemented consistently in accordance with the following interpretations: 1. To assure sufficiently broad faculty representation on the ad hoc financial exigency committee, the TMCC President agrees that the number of persons to serve on the committee, which shall be determined in accordance with the NSHE Code, shall be no fewer than eleven (11) in the case of a retrenchment that affects faculty members across the campus as a whole. The Faculty Senate as a body according to its bylaws shall appoint one-half (1/2) of the members of the committee, at least one from each academic division. The President shall appoint one-half (1/2) of the members of the committee. The President shall designate a committee chair and charge the committee with developing a plan. The chair shall vote only in case of a tie. 2. If the ad hoc financial exigency committee plan is not accepted by the President, the President shall submit reasons to the committee which shall have at least five (5) working days to give careful consideration to the President’s reasons and to make any amendments to the plan in response thereto that the committee deems appropriate. 3. Any committee plan(s) submitted to the President shall also be submitted to the Faculty Senate. 4. In the event the President does not approve the (revised) plan, the President shall submit their plan to the Chancellor. The President shall also submit the (revised) 2022-2025 TMCC-NFA Contract Article 15 Page 96