The Meadow Annual Literary Arts Journal 2021

The Meadow 195 and a Ph.D. in psychology and maintains a mindfulness-based therapy practice in Pennsylvania. Her work has been published widely in journals and anthologies including Delmarva Review, Poet Lore, The New Guard, and the L.A. Review. Dhwanee Goyal (she/her) is a fifteen-year-old student from Maharashtra, India. Pretty buildings make her heart beat fast, and she likes puns, double-sided blankets, sentences that trail off and… She is published in Blackbox Manifold and Eunoia Review, amongst others. She hopes you found some brightness to your day. Peter Grandbois is the author of eleven books, the most recent of which is the poetry collection The Three-Legged World, published as Triptych with books by James McCorkle and Robert Miltner (Etruscan 2020). His work has appeared in over one hundred journals, including The Kenyon Review, The Gettysburg Review, and Prairie Schooner. His plays have been performed in St. Louis, Columbus, Los Angeles, and New York. He is poetry editor at Boulevard magazine and teaches at Denison University in Ohio. You can find him at www.petergrandbois. com. Shaun T. Griffin co-founded and directed Community Chest, a rural social justice agency for twenty-seven years. Southern Utah University Press released Anthem for a Burnished Land, a memoir, in 2016. He edited From Sorrow’s Well—The Poetry of Hayden Carruth, published by the University of Michigan Press in 2013. This Is What the Desert Surrenders, New and Selected Poems, came out from Black Rock Press in 2012. For over three decades, he and his wife Debby have lived in Virginia City, Nevada. Meredith Davies Hadaway has three published collections of poetry—most recently, At the Narrows, winner of the 2015 Delmarva Book Prize for Creative Writing. Her work has also appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, The Cincinnati Review, Harpur Palate, New Ohio Review,