TMCC Institutional Research Strategic Plan (2018-2022)

3 Audiences The Institutional Research Office has a strong relationship with all campus entities and acts as a major source of data, information, and analysis for every constituent group of the college.  Internal audiences : Students, Faculty, Staff  External audiences : Prospective Students, Alumni, Donors, Community Members  State : NV System of Higher Education, NV Legislative Council Bureau, NV Dept. of Education Key Message The TMCC IR Office subscribes to a “New Vision for Institutional Research”, so named by R. Swing and L. Ross in a Change magazine article in 2016. We advocate for a move away from the old model of IR as a service provider for a small set of consumers and decision makers. Instead, we recognize students, faculty and staff as key decision makers who can be instrumental in helping TMCC achieve its mission and goals. We believe that IR should have a coaching role in order to expand the data users and producers across the institution. We strive to empower decision making at the tactical and operational levels, not just support for top-level strategy thereby allowing for a holistic IR function.