TMCC is celebrating the Class of 2024 with a Commencement Ceremony today, Friday, May 10, at 4:30 p.m. Watch the live stream and learn more at


Fostering College Success Program

TMCC Students

The Fostering College Success (FCS) Program is designed for students who have experienced foster care at some time in their lives. The program is made possible by the Walter S. Johnson Foundation and is completely free for program participants.

The FCS Program assists students while attending Truckee Meadows Community College with wraparound services. The program supports students so they may achieve their goals of obtaining a degree or certificate while attending TMCC. This program is designed to be student-centered and is focused on supporting students from the beginning of their higher education to graduation.

Fostering College Success Advocate

TMCC's Fostering College Success Advocate is located on the Dandini Campus in RDMT 122. The FCS Advocate provides support and resources that empower and encourage former foster youth students. FCS's goals include increased retention, support, and wrap-around services that benefit former foster youth.

The Advocate works together in person, on Zoom, or on the phone with students to support them while they are students at TMCC. There are numerous services available that the Advocate can assist students with including help with financial aid, enrollment process, county and state services, and personalized assistance depending on a student’s needs.

NSHE Foster Youth Fee Waiver

The NSHE Board of Regents provides a Foster Youth Fee Waiver of certain fees for former Nevada foster youth if they meet the following eligibility criteria.

The Youth Fee Waiver will help pay for undergraduate base course registration fees and can be used for Fall and Spring Semesters (not Winter or Summer courses).

Nevada Foster Youth Fee Waiver Eligibility

  • In foster care as an adjudicated “ward of the court” in Nevada at the age of 13+
  • Graduated from high school; or passed the GED or HiSet
  • Complete the FAFSA
  • Under the age of 26 years old by 1st day of class of the semester
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress for returning students

Check out the NSHE Fostering Success Initiative for more information about the program and services offered for former foster youth in Nevada.

If you have any questions about the Foster Youth Fee Waiver, or TMCC's Fostering College Success Program, please contact us.