TMCC Policy Manual: Curricula, Teaching and Research

Policies 6000-6999: Curricula, Teaching and Research

Courses and Curricula

Policy 6010: Addition of Programs and Departments

It is the policy of the Board of Regents that before any new degree, major, program, department, school, college, center, institute, or other structural organization may be added, such proposal must be approved by the Board of Regents.

Responsible Office(s): Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA)

Procedure: The procedures for such additions are available on the Board of Regents website.

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 6502: Academic Standards

Students and faculty of TMCC are jointly responsible to maintain academic standards. Faculty have the responsibility to create an atmosphere in which students may display their knowledge. Students have the responsibility to rely upon their own knowledge and resources in the evaluation process.

Responsible Office(s): VPAA

Procedure: Rules and disciplinary procedures are available on the Board of Regents website.

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 6503: Intellectual Property Policy

TMCC respects the intellectual property rights of its faculty, staff and students.

Responsible Office(s): VPAA

Procedure: The full policy and procedures are available on the Board of Regents website.

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 6505: Use of Copyrighted Materials for Education Purposes

TMCC is committed to the appropriate use of copyrighted materials, in any medium, consistent with the spirit and the letter of the U.S. Copyright Law. Faculty and staff should be aware that federal copyright laws and requirements limit the type and amount of material that can be copied for classroom use, included in a course packet, placed on reserve in the library, or posted on the Web. TMCC does not support unauthorized copyright use in any form.

Responsible Office(s): TMCC Legal Counsel | VPAA

Procedure: U.S. Copyright Law

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 6506: Textbooks

Truckee Meadows Community College confirms its commitment that the selection of textbooks is the responsibility of the faculty member teaching that course, with the commitment of minimizing costs to students, where appropriate. To comply with the NSHE Policy on Printed and Electronic Instructional Materials, NSHE Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 27, TMCC accepts recommendations from the Faculty Senate approved Guidelines Regarding the Selecting, Authoring, and Publication of Textbooks and Other Educational Material by Faculty at TMCC.

Responsible Office(s): Faculty Senate | VPAA

Procedure: Guidelines are available on the TMCC Faculty Senate website.

Updated: June 18, 2020

Policy 6520: Community College/University Articulation Policy

Transfer and articulation policies for TMCC are regulated in the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14.

Responsible Office(s): VPAA

Procedure: Procedures are available on the Board of Regents website.

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 6525: Specialized Accreditation

The College supports specialized accreditation by the appropriate professional associations for many of its programs. Specialized accreditation evaluates professional and occupational education at the program level. Specialized accreditation is only sought if such accreditation has a significant impact on career and employment prospects of the graduates of a program.

Responsible Office(s): VPAA

Procedure: The dean of an area seeking specialized accreditation submits a written request to the VPAA with justification of the request that includes the value added for the students and the College as well as the initial costs, annual membership costs, and frequency of site visits.

Updated: October 15, 2013

Policy 6526: Credit for Prior Learning

TMCC recognizes that CPL empowers students and contributes to increased graduation rates by engaging adult learners, validating prior learning, and accelerating program completion, thus saving students time and money. In alignment with guidance from the American Council on Education (ACE), the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), and the Lumina Foundation, TMCC is committed to helping students make progress toward their educational goals by assessing and awarding CPL. This policy will require TMCC to set prices for CPL activities, collect testing/review fees, award credit where testing/review verifies student learning, and pay expert faculty for their time to set and grade challenge exams or assess student portfolios. The institution will also develop materials to publicize CPL processes. There are no legal implications.

Responsible Office(s): VPAA

Procedure: The procedures are available on the VPAA website.

Updated: December 15, 2023

Policy 6527: Tenure Award

Upon the award of tenure, a TMCC faculty member shall receive a five (5) percent increase in salary, which is added to the base salary. This salary increase is for faculty who are granted tenure in 2024 and beyond and will not be granted retroactively.

Responsible Office(s): Faculty Senate | Human Resources

Procedure: Guidelines are available on the TMCC Faculty Senate website.

Updated: March 5, 2024