If this is your first-semester taking classes at TMCC or if you’ve been away enjoying summer, we have exciting updates regarding transportation options and the parking situation (because let’s face it: getting here is half the battle.) In no particular order, the following updates are intended to make sure you’re “in the know” as you begin your journey into the Fall Semester.
As always, the parking is free at TMCC, but we have managed to make it even better!
This summer, our Facilities Team has been hard at work renovating and resurfacing the parking lots at the Dandini Campus and the Meadowood Center. In fact, 95% of the pavement at both locations have been repaired and upgraded, including a “slurry coat seal” (gone are the potholes of yester-semester) and new paint.
In addition to concrete upgrades, we’ve opened an overflow parking area for the Dandini Campus across Raggio Parkway from the Vista Building. There will be signs posted indicating where you can park.
RTC Ed-Pass
This year, the RTC is offering an Ed-pass that will enable TMCC students and staff to ride the bus for free. All you need is your TMCC Student or Employee ID, and you can ride any of the RTC’s fixed routes at no cost.
In addition to saving money on gas, taking the bus lessens your carbon footprint. Because of you, there will be less traffic congestion on campus, better parking for visitors due to the reduced number of cars and reduced carbon emissions—perks that aren’t too shabby from a free ride!
If you’re new to the RTC, check out their website to see their routes so you can plan your trip.
TMCC Shuttle
If you’re already riding the RTC, you might have noticed that getting to the Dandini Campus can take a circuitous route. The TMCC Shuttle is here to streamline your journey: the shuttle can pick you up near UNR or along Parr Blvd., which will save you a considerable amount of time when you’re traveling to and from campus. The TMCC Shuttle will run in loops Mondays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will reach each stop approximately every 30 minutes.
Interested? Purchase your shuttle pass from the Cashier’s Office in RDMT 318 for $50. The pass is good for the entire semester. Passes are available to all TMCC students with valid TMCC ID. TMCC employees can check out an employee pass from the Academic Support Center in LIB 200. Information about shuttle routes can be found on the TMCC Shuttle Information page.
For more information about parking and other planned facility upgrades, contact TMCC Facilities Operations and Capital Planning department at 775-673-7100.