Davis Fire Alert: On Monday, Sept. 9, the Pennington Health Science Center building at Redfield Campus is closed. If you have been affected by evacuations, contact your supervisor or instructor.


New Deadline for Foundation Scholarship Applications

K. Patricia Bouweraerts
Scholarship Recipient Image

Erica Worswick receives a High Sierra Chefs Endowment Scholarship for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Students can apply for more than 300 potential Truckee Meadows Community College Foundation 2015-2016 scholarships, and be notified of their award at an even earlier date than previous years.

“The scholarships helped support me, because I was living alone at the time and had higher expenses,” said one of last year’s scholarship recipients. “It helped me complete my associate degree faster.”

A single application is needed to qualify for all of the potential awards. The online application form is straightforward and should take less than one hour to finish, said Karen Frazier, TMCC Foundation Scholarship and Endowment Manager.

“Students only need to fill out one general application,” Frazier said. “Students are then automatically matched to scholarship opportunities. If a student matches any scholarships that have additional questions they will be notified via email to log in and complete those additional questions.”

Frazier advises that applicants should be detailed about financial need, fill out all sections of the application as fully as possible, and include applicable life experiences in the honors and activities sections. A complete application will help the reviewers know more about the candidate for the award.

The priority deadline for submitting completed applications is Friday, May 1.

Scholarships are based on many factors: scholastic merit, college and community service, life circumstances, financial need and major field of study.

There are numerous awards for which to qualify, including many general scholarships open to all students. The list includes scholarships for those who are studying in a particular subject area, who belong to a specific organization or church, who are part-time students, and for those who are registered with the Disability Resource Center and/or Re-Entry Center.

A list of all TMCC Foundation scholarships can be found on the TMCC AcademicWorks page.

One of the Scholarships Is the New Tackett Family Endowment

The Tackett Family Endowment is a generous gift given to the TMCC Foundation in honor of Peggy Tackett, and will continue the family’s legacy in the eyes of motivated students seeking to better their lives through higher education.

Because Peggy Tackett was an amateur painter and she also loved animals, the scholarship will be awarded to either a fine arts student or a veterinary technology student each year. The endowment has been set up so that the interest will support this scholarship for future generations.

For more information about applying for one of the many scholarships, contact the TMCC Foundation at 775-673-7206.