2023 TMCC Annual Security Report

iii. If the student feels uncomfortable about discussing the incident with the department chair or director of an administrative unit, the student should feel free to bypass the person and file a complaint with one of the above officials in the Introduction to this Section or to any chair, dean, or director of an administrative unit who will in turn immediately contact one of the officials listed above in the Introduction to this Section to forward the complaint, to discuss it and/or to report the action taken. The chair, dean or director of an administrative unit has a responsibility to act even if the individuals involved do not report to that person. 3. Training, Investigation and Resolution a. General Requirements. The Title IX Coordinator, executives, administrators designated to receive complaints, and appropriate management level(s) with decision-making authority shall have training or experience in handling unlawful discrimination and misconduct complaints, and in the operation of the NSHE and Nevada Administrative Code disciplinary procedures. b. Special Training With Regard to Sexual Violence. i. The training for each of the individuals identified in paragraph 3.a above, should include annual training on how to investigate and conduct hearings in a manner that protects the safety of the parties and promotes accountability; information on working with and interviewing persons subjected to sexual violence; information on particular types of conduct that would constitute sexual violence, including stalking and samesex sexual violence; the proper standard of review for sexual violence complaints (preponderance of the evidence); information on risk reduction; information on consent and the role drugs or alcohol can play in the ability to consent; the importance of accountability for individuals found to have committed sexual violence; the need for remedial actions for the respondent, complainant, and institution community; how to determine credibility; how to evaluate evidence and weigh it in an impartial manner; how to conduct investigations; confidentiality; the effects of trauma, including neurobiological change; and cultural awareness training regarding how sexual violence may impact students differently depending on their cultural backgrounds. ii. The Director or designee for an institution’s campus law enforcement shall ensure annual training, reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator, is provided to its officers that includes: working with and interviewing persons subjected to sexual violence; information on particular types of conduct that would constitute sexual violence, including stalking and same-sex sexual violence; information on consent and the role drugs or alcohol can play in the ability to consent; the effects of trauma, including neurobiological change; and cultural awareness training regarding how sexual violence may impact students differently depending on their cultural backgrounds. iii. Investigation. After receiving a complaint or information about the incident or behavior, the Title IX Coordinator or the primary officer, or designee, will initiate an investigation to gather information about the incident. If the Title IX Coordinator or primary officer, or designee, is unable to initiate an investigation, due to a conflict or for any other reason, the President shall designate another individual to act as primary officer for the matter. Each institution may set guidelines for the manner in which an investigation shall be conducted. The guidelines shall provide for the prompt, thorough, impartial, and equitable investigation and resolution of complaints, and shall identify the appropriate management level with final decision-making authority. The guidelines shall, at a minimum, provide the person subject to the complaint with information as to the nature of the complaint, and shall further provide that the person filing the complaint and the person who is the subject of the complaint have equal rights to be interviewed, identify witnesses and provide documentation pertaining to the complaint. In most cases, an investigation should be completed within a reasonable time from receipt of the complaint or information about the conduct. At the completion of the investigation, findings and a recommendation will be made to the appropriate management level with final decision-making authority regarding the resolution of the matter. The recommendation is advisory only. 24