TMCC NFA Contract

oversee the nomination process, including verifying that nominees are willing to run for the position. The list of nominees will be reported to the Dean within five (5) working days. e. The Dean will review confirmed nominees before the election begins to assure that all are eligible to serve as Department Chair. Any objections by the Dean to a nominee, in consultation with HR, must be reported to the nominee and to the NFA. If the Dean’s objection is contested, the nominee and/or the NFA may pursue grievance procedures. The Dean shall notify the Faculty Senate Chair or appropriate designee of the suitability of the nominees within five (5) working days. Election will proceed after this five (5) working day period. 4. The Election Process a. The Faculty Senate Chair, or designee, will oversee confidential electronically controlled balloting distributed to all eligible voters. b. Eligible voting department members shall elect by a plurality of those voting, a Department Chair. c. The results will be reported to the Dean within five (5) working days. The Dean shall inform the candidates and the Department members within two (2) working days. d. The Dean will issue a formal letter of appointment to the newly elected chair. 10.6 Department Chair Evaluation 1. Evaluation in the Discipline Department Chairs shall be evaluated by the same criteria as used with other faculty. 2. Evaluation as Department Chair 2022-2025 TMCC-NFA Contract Article 10 Page 47