The Meadow Annual Literary Arts Journal 2021

The Meadow 65 Swallowed Whole Terrell Tissychy-Ortero The Moon and the cigarette, Shine the same in my eyes. The patio has always been mine alone; I’m the only one who smokes at work. The day has been long and filled with mistakes. One too many dots on a paperwork Causes me to pay more than needed On a check to one of the many bill collectors. The patio consisted of only concrete and a plastic chair. It stretches across the front of the store. I get a good glimpse of the forest, Right across the street. Only the moon knows how long it has been there, And it will see its long life. I try and rest against a pillar of the patio But no rest comes. The thoughts roaming within my head Cannot be calmed by the stillness of the night. What if my car breaks down tomorrow? I ask the moon, Awaiting an answer. What if I say no to my friend’s invitations? Would they ask me again? The moon does not have an answer What if I fail? I’ve failed more often than I can recall. I think of when a deadly virus swept my school And everyone was terrified to talk With one and another.