The Meadow Annual Literary Arts Journal 2021

The Meadow 127 How Long Michael Chang Friend of mine, they call him Pulpo cuz he’s very handsy Pulpo knows only one joke, says SVA stands for Special Victims Academy At which pt the bar breaks out in groans, says that’s terrible But he always leaves with the digits of at least one bird (his words, not mine) Pulpo gets into a bit of trouble in Thailand, evil spirits & whatnot Long story short he has to trade a SMALL Warhol (roughly the dimensions of a big dick) to fix it On the flight out of Bangkok he tells me his fav drink is vodka & Campari—just that—it’s the flavor The blood orange, the zest, most songbirds are male Many poets appear to be heterosexuals The genders, blues & pinks, vodka & gin He is shaving & happiness is a warm gun Why do all the monsters come out at night