TMCC Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2017-2020)

6 Resources The Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEM) aligns objectives and measures with other strategic efforts at the college leveraging existing resources where possible. The following is a list of new strategies recommended by the SEM committee with estimated resource requirements for implementation. Strategy One: Design andmaintain virtual tour that includes all TMCC educational sites Rationale: An online tour is essential for marketing and recruitment. It is a cost effective way to promote and advertise to those unable to get to campus physical locations, online and international students. Virtual Tour allows to effectively showcase facilities and programs to the immediate service community and to the world. Staffing Resources Cost Lead Existing YouVisit software $10,000/year Web Services/MCO/ Student Services Strategy Two: Hire a recruiter for the college to focus on non-traditional populations and adults (25+) Rationale: Adult students are a growing and largely unexplored recruitment cohort. A full-time adult recruiter who is knowledgeable and respectful of adult learners can work with employers to provide tuition assistance and reimbursement to recruit employees. A full time adult recruiter can ensure prompt response to initial contacts, provide details in-person, phone or email and invite face to face workshops and information sessions. Follow up is crucial and current resources are insufficient to provide services. Staffing Resources Cost Lead New Position Administrative Staff $70,000 Access, Outreach and Recruitment (AOR)