TMCC Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2017-2020)

11 Strategy Twelve: Develop support for degree-seeking undecidedmajors Rationale: The Counseling Center is developing a first year experience program for degree-seeking undecided majors that will be implemented in fall 2017. This high-risk population requires a more targeted, intrusive intervention. The Counseling Center provides career exploration workshops and sends emails out to degree-seeking undecided students encouraging attendance. Staffing Resources Cost Lead Existing plus additional assignment for one counselor Additional assignment to place a counselor on a B+20 contract $8,000 Counseling Strategy Thirteen: Promote Freshmen Incentive Grants and TMCC Incentive Grants Rationale: The Freshmen Incentive Grants and TMCC Incentive Grants are open to students in their respective Graduate Rate Survey (GRS) cohort (first-time, full-time freshmen) who are tracked for TMCC’s graduation rate. Students must apply for financial aid and demonstrate unmet need. Currently FA staff data mine the GRS cohorts to find eligible students. Complete College America recommends targeted financial aid to encourage completion and success. Students are required to attend full-time with an additional allocation if they enroll in 15 (versus 12) credits, or if they enroll in 12/12/6. Staffing Resources Cost Lead Financial Aid coordinator who reviews each FA applicant within the applicable GRS cohort Existing staffing plus new resources for marketing materials $2,000 Financial Aid Strategy Fourteen: Conduct gateway Course completion campaign Rationale: Students are proven to succeed and complete at higher rates when they complete their gateway English and math courses during their first year of enrollment. Staffing Resources Cost Lead Advising staff, faculty advisors, and academic department administrative assistant Existing Employees’ time to reach out to students to ensure they are enrolled Dean of Liberal Arts and Dean of Sciences