TMCC Strategic Master Plan 2017-2022

30 Objective 3: Maintain or improve the effectiveness and efficiency of College operations. Strategies Student Services  Ensure units are student-centered, sustainable, and operate at maximum efficiency with collaboration and little duplication of functional units.  Streamline intake and registration processes. Indicator Baseline Target 4.3.1 CCSSE Benchmarks focus groups on entering students’ experiences with: Admissions Process Advising and Planning Financial Aid Academic Experiences Support Services and other College Services (QualitativeMeasure) (QualitativeMeasure) 4.3.2 Successful efforts tomaintain or exceed TMCC’s Policy (1799) on fund balances and reserves. Ancillary and Auxiliary (self- support) Reserves – 15% of each funds operating revenues Capital Reserves – have one Contingency Fund – 3%of operating revenues Operating Reserves – 15%of operating revenues FY 2017 Self-Supporting: $84,000 Capital Reserves: $1,000,000 Contingency Fund: $1,338,673 Operating Reserves: $6,693,364 Total Reserves: $9,032,037 FY 2018 Self-Supporting: $86,827 Capital Reserves: $1,000,000 Contingency Fund: $1,452,903 Operating Reserves: $7,264,516 Total Reserves: $9,717,419 4.3.3 Successful efforts to promote sustainability initiatives on campus. (QualitativeMeasures) • Second Nature Resilience Commitment • TMCC Sustainability (QualitativeMeasures) • Second Nature Resilience Commitment • TMCC Sustainability