Feb 10
University of Nevada Reno Transfer Information Table
10 a.m.
- 1 p.m.
RDMT Outside Cafe Verde,
Dandini Campus
Information table for students who want to learn more about the transfer process for UNR.
Feb 10
SGA Blood Drive
10 a.m.
- 2 p.m.
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Support those in need of blood in the greater Northern Nevada community by donating blood!
Feb 11
Free Haircut Event
9 a.m.
- 3:30 p.m.
Outside RDMT 265,
Dandini Campus
In honor of Black History Month, the Campus Connections Office and Student Government Association have come together to bring you FREE haircuts courtesy of ClipDart!
Feb 11
SGA Blood Drive
10 a.m.
- 2 p.m.
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Support those in need of blood in the greater Northern Nevada community by donating blood!
Feb 11
¡TMCC Vamos Español Event!
- 1 p.m.
Student Center (at a Cafe Verde table),
Dandini Campus, Meadowood Center and William N. Pennington Health Science Center
Join our Spanish-speaking-bring-your-own-lunch conversation for all levels!
Feb 11
International Coffee Hour: Different Shades of Hunger: A Comparison of India, South Africa and the U.S.
- 1 p.m.
RDMT 114,
Dandini Campus
Join us for International Coffee Hour and listen to a Comparison of India, South Africa and the U.S.
Feb 11
Nevada Promise Program Training
- 5:30 p.m.
SIER 108,
Dandini Campus
High school class of 2025? You will learn all about the Nevada Promise Scholarship requirements you'll need to complete this year.
Feb 12
Recognition and Activities Committee
- 3 p.m.
Organizes social activities for TMCC faculty and staff to raise and sustain morale.
Feb 12
TMCC Info Day and Campus Tour
- 5 p.m.
RDMT 256,
Dandini Campus
Future students join us in person for a TMCC Info Day to learn about the opportunities TMCC offers you!
Feb 12
Radiologic Technology Information Night
- 6:30 p.m.
HSC 167,
William N. Pennington Health Science Center
Get your questions answered at the Radiologic Technology Information Night.
Feb 12
Artists' Reception and Artist's Talk
- 7 p.m.
Student Center and 3rd Floor Galleries Red Mountain Building,
Dandini Campus
The TMCC Art Galleries are exhibiting four new exciting exhibitions.
Feb 13
On Campus: Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design EXAMS
8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
EDSN 112 and 113,
William N. Pennington Applied Technology Center
The Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Residential Design (NSBAIDRD) will be fielding its exams.
Feb 13
On Campus: Renewal by Anderson Recruiting
10 a.m.
- 2 p.m.
RDMT Cafe,
Dandini Campus
Renewal by Anderson will host an information table near the RDMT Cafe to discuss part-time employment opportunities for students.
Feb 13
SGA Spring Club Fair
11 a.m.
- 2 p.m.
Student Center,
Dandini Campus
Meet all of the Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) at TMCC!
Feb 13
Handshake 101 Workshop
- 5 p.m.
Join us virtually to learn how to claim your account and use TMCC’s job board, Handshake, to connect with career opportunities.
Feb 14
On Campus: Nevadaworks Board & Local Elected Officials Meetings
7:30 a.m.
- 2 p.m.
RDMT 256,
Dandini Campus
Nevadaworks will be holding their board and local elected officials meetings on campus.
Feb 14
On Campus: Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design EXAMS
8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
EDSN 112 and 113,
William N. Pennington Applied Technology Center
The Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Residential Design (NSBAIDRD) will be fielding its exams.
Feb 14
Administrative Faculty Committe
10:30 a.m.
- 12 p.m.
Facilitates communication and integration of matters pertaining to administrative faculty with the campus community.