Curriculum Mapping

Curriculum mapping is a process of aligning curriculum and instruction to program learning outcomes and is usually reflected in a matrix format. Ideally, maps are constructed as a new program is being developed but can also serve as a review of curriculum in existing programs.

Program learning outcomes determine the curriculum map. Course requirements and sequencing, pedagogical methods, curriculum, and assessments (projects, papers, assignments, tests, and activities) are all directed towards achieving program learning outcomes and ensuring that all students in the program have an opportunity to learn what is expected of them.

For faculty, curriculum mapping:

  • Shifts the focus of “my course” to “our program”
  • Shows how courses are sequenced and fit within a program as well as institutional learning outcomes
  • Helps reveal the nature and role of course prerequisites
  • Supports curriculum revision by revealing strengths, gaps, and intended or unintended redundancies in the curriculum
  • Helps with designing an assessment plan across the program curriculum

Curriculum maps help students to:

  • Understand how each course is intended to contribute to the knowledge and skills of the program
  • Strategically choose elective courses to explore, enhance specific knowledge and skills, or concentrate in areas of interest
  • Select examples of their work to illustrate knowledge and skills gained for their resume or portfolio