
Rubrics are tools, often structured as a matrix, that are designed to assess student performances. These performances may be observed while the student is doing something, or be a product of student work Rubric components include:

  • Criteria (rows): The aspects of the work that will be assessed. These can range from sections of a report to stated student learning outcomes.
  • Performance levels (columns): Identifies a student’s level of mastery within each criterion.
  • Scores: Assigned point value for each of the performance levels.
  • Descriptors (cells): Explicit descriptions of the performance level for each criterion. These tell students what they are expected to do in order to achieve a certain level of mastery.
(learning outcomes in this example)
Performance Levels
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
4 3 2 1
Students will use evidence and/or explain responsibilities of ethical, contributing members living in diverse societies. Explains, using sophisticated examples and evidence, what it means to be a responsible, ethical, contributing member of a diverse society. Clearly and substantially articulates ethical principles applicable in various contexts. Provides adequate explanations and examples, describing what it means to be a responsible, ethical, contributing member of a diverse society. Adequately articulates ethical principles applicable in various contexts. Provides limited, or few appropriate, explanations and examples, describing what it means to be a responsible, ethical, contributing member of a diverse society. Articulates few ethical principles applicable in various contexts. Provides no or inappropriate explanations and examples, describing what it means to be a responsible, ethical, contributing member of a diverse society. Does not articulate ethical principles applicable in various contexts.
Students will analyze and articulate the ways in which individuals, groups, and institutions influence society. Analyzes and explains, using substantial details and supporting evidence, the ways in which individuals, groups, and institutions influence society. Analyzes and explains, using adequate details and supporting evidence, the ways in which individuals, groups, and institutions influence society. Analyzes and explains, using limited details and supporting evidence, ways in which individuals, groups, and institutions influence society. Does not identify or explain, does not use supporting details or evidence, and/or does not explain clearly the ways in which individuals, groups, and institutions influence society.